Forgot your password?

Enter your email or phone number.

Fill in your login and request for a one time code. If you did not receive the code email or sms from us within a few minutes it is possible that any one of the following occurred:
  • Your email or phone was not confirmed. The notification only goes to the previous confirmed email or phone
  • The email or phone was sent directly to your Spam Folder 
  • You may have misspelled your email address or phone. 
To resolve this issue please try the following:
  1. Check your spam folder for any email or sms that you may have received from Ambwene Konzo (in some cases, please check your filters or “Trash Folder” as well.)
  2. Verify that the email or phone is correct and the same one used when registering.
If the issue is not resolved after all these steps, please contact us for further assistance.